This score explores espionage, misinformation, paranoia, intrigue, sound, and silence. It is also partially inspired by Antonio Prohias’ Spy vs. Spy comic strip in Mad magazine (but without any explosives), as well as The Conversation (dir. Francis Ford Coppola). And echoes of Edgar Allan Poe, Franz Kafka, Philip K. Dick, & George Orwell. Directions 1. The ensemble is divided into three cells. One cell represents the CIA, the second cell represents the KGB, and the third one represents a cell that could be CIA or KGB informants (or some other entity). 2. Each cell will be given a different card to start the piece. That card might have to do with insinuations about infiltration, suspicious activity, misinformation, or something else. | 3. As the piece progresses, each cell will be given more cards, which will suggest sonic directions. 4. Also certain individuals from each cell will be given cards sealed in envelopes. -- by Dan Godston The Chicago Scratch Orchestra performed "CIA vs. KGB" at the Empty Bottle in June 2012. Click here to find out more. |
December 2013