This Neural Spike Association media gallery will include artistic contributions (literature, images, videos, new media, sound art, music, field recordings) that pertain to the theme of surveillance. Some apects of this media gallery will be included as part of "NSA: A Surveillance Throwdown," an Eight Annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival event. Borderbend welcomes proposals, regarding contributions to the Neural Spike Association media gallery. If so, please send us an email and let us know what you have in mind. | NSA: A Surveillance Throwdown Friday, October 11 (9 p.m.) Multikulti 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60642 $7 suggested donation "NSA: A Surveillance Throwdown" involves artists and community activists responding to surveillance. Time for a party throwdown, Orwellian style—with fiction and poetry readings, musical performances, and more. The program includes:
December 2013