Because all signs say this traffic has work to do standing between my potholes across from Allen’s Garage The day is blue sky with storm clouds wind warm any colder would be snow Because people around here are frugal maybe a $15,000 kitchen remodeled here or a new roof there Because now the heat’s off the meth labs The heat’s off off the farmers’ chemical fertilizers draining into the Chesapeake America’s largest labor boom America’s loudest mic check Despite the money these guys make the hours Despite the gag clause Hearing my name called from under the SouthTown Market overhang Even though owning this land when I sold the gas what exactly will I own what will the gas company own How will what has belonged in my family for generations be compromised or lost Or if I sell Or as long as I hold out Athough it was raining like hell I was drenched I got a ride from a guy with heater in the back then he fired up a doobie and I was in Scranton She says she’d like having a steady winter not snow one day and 70s the next Even though he was an odd but likable character She was driving a company truck took a side road up to a well pad to measure 4- or 6-inch bolts Because you’re a writer aren’t you I’m not supposed to be talking to you Because even though Joe’s is closed someone’s in there with an airbrush Yes but I’m not that kind of writer There’re no complaints now (points to the grassed-over pipeline track) there’ll be snowmobilers all over this in another month She takes off her glasses gives them to Kolosky she has video screen eyes they don’t focus Because it’s warm Because the sun’s clouded-over Because it’s late afternoon already getting dark Because this is going-home traffic deer hunters and company trucks Because 20 more minutes it will be too dark and I’ll walk back up the hill call it a night All because I decided to go out for a walk All because it’s a 7 mile interview to P.J.’s to watch 48 hour softball Because I signed early with the gas enough to get me over the hump each month + veteran’s disability Where did you live growing up? Compromised or lost? Because we are always trying to find ways to carry more stuff Name specific trees flowers animals natural landmarks secret hiding places images from recurring dreams Because these rolling green hills no longer clear my mind Early morning methane mist Coffee at Lockharts List the names of farm equipment tools and vehicles List the names gas equipment tools and vehicles She looks over at him before she answers How’d you get so isolated up here with this mess Sitting over my shadow writing this reading the old roads the old train beds trolley beds Because every farm under its soil has a rock quarry Because I’m driving my tractor to church join me Despite all these kids being dead by now or having serious problems by the time they’re my age I see them with their heads down on their desks throwing chalk spiders have woven their hair into a skein of window light spiders those mystical ghosts erasing this dusty schoolhouse begging to be clapped No there won’t be a workers’ dispute although I cut the girl’s hair with my pocket knife with what they get paid until they start coming down with something No there won’t be a Union So then she went into what I consider borderline stuff a sinister undertone of poverty and secrecy Although the men look just as gruff in the black & white photo of bridge workers just as foreign Although we’ve all suffered from what we do living with a local girl around Elk Lake she’s a landman ice cooler gas can diesel can kerosene one step up from a rough neck a well hand I was surprised he wasn’t wearing a cap Despite it’s pitch dark straddling the drainage ditch and road kill Despite the slow stare down when the headlights catch me Because I haul junk all day I haul junk copper and brass the out of staters’ summer homes in winter Despite the parking lot full of Mexican gas workers I’d jump in there and take a baseball bat to every damn one of them Someday you’re going to bring your education over here and we’re all going to be full of information Despite people around here thinking they’re getting rich all they’re getting is a new truck or a new barn Deer with cow cut-outs under apple tree Because they’re just ripping everything up look at that (points to pipeline swath) just a raceway for four-wheelers Because I see an old lawnmower and throw it in the back of my truck an old bicycle in a yard sell it for gas money at the scrapyard Flashlight and pepper spray I’m less scared of what the gas industry is doing to our future than I am computers instant karma texting Despite the chores and the animals The Veterans On-The-Farm Training we worked the farm and went to Keystone part time Because my brother put himself through college in the ‘40s trenching the Tennessee pipeline I came back from the Air Force a pacifist It’s a ballast against the wind to hold the roof on tight and weigh it down The gas was a big surprise Although working at Proctor & Gamble rolling paper towels out of chemicals into sheets Although working at the prison I did way worse things than a lot of them inside Despite losing my leg scuba diving in the Keys Because we are what we repeatedly do Aristotle Because just saying hello becomes a gas issue never mind the trucks The colorful used-lot triangular grand opening string of flags Country good ol´boys coming up to live among country good ol´boys Although they’re not Mexicans they turn into Mexicans simply being gas workers The clash and gaps Despite another language from another century passed down by moss-weathered elders Somewhere in the background I’ve been looking for you Configuring these short rides I can see my breath * * * * "MARCELLUS JOURNAL" by Craig Czury appears in Vigil for the Marcellus Shale, edited by Dwain Wilder and Bart White. |
December 2013