Fracking the Shale is part of a larger installation, "The Finger Lakes: Above & Below," which has been traveling throughout western New York. Fracking the Water is the artwork on the cover of Vigil for the Marcellus Shale, edited by Dwain Wilder and Bart White.
Fracking the Shale -- detail from the original 12"x180" mixed media drawing Gloria Betlem paints the natural world around her in upstate New York and central Florida. She specializes in the pastel medium, utilizing its wide spectrum of pure color to its fullest, in her vibrant interpretations. Increasingly, her work has taken on critical environmental issues, including carefully researched topics such as hydrofracking, preserving Hemlock and Canadice Lakes and Florida’s at-risk areas and species. She occasionally ventures out into other interests in her art, embracing portraiture and subjective imagery. Her work is in collections world-wide and she is a sought after, caring teacher.
Fracking the Shale is part of a larger installation, "The Finger Lakes: Above & Below," which has been traveling throughout western New York. Fracking the Water is the artwork on the cover of Vigil for the Marcellus Shale, edited by Dwain Wilder and Bart White.
the end of the world no more waiting, it wants a small percentage of additives it wants it wants it wants to come up down the hatch a little torture a little force a little murder stimulate the flow follow and as it were hound nature in her wandering drive her afterward the same place the same place the same place remediate phenomenal results enhanced interrogation to stimulate the flow. either you are with us, or no more the incidence of fractures is difficult to quantify severe pain may radiate anteriorly, may mimic the breaking of a heart and great earthquakes shall be in divers places and famines and pestilences and fearful sights and great signs old men rave on young men dreaming dream murder and there is a crack in everything and there is more heat than light and there is no end in sight. * * * *
Rev. Dr. David Breeden, Minister has a Master of Fine Arts in poetry from The Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a PhD from the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi, with additional study in writing and Buddhism at Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He also has a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School. The author of many books, Rev. David blogs at and He tweets at @dbreeden.
December 2013