Over the past several years we have witnessed examples of how fracking (hydraulic fracturing) can potentially cause a lot of harm to people and the environment. The Borderbend Arts Collective is inviting artists to contribute works in response to fracking. We are looking for literary works (poetry, fiction, hybrid genres), visual art (photography, painting, collage, etc.), new media, and works in other media. Borderbend has collaborated with many artists and organizations -- to present dynamic arts initiatives via performance, online and other platforms. "Silent Spring" at 50, Charles Mingus at 90, Bloomsday 2012 & "Ulysses" 90th are several such examples. WTF 2013 follows in this tradition. | In particular, WTF 2013 continues some themes that were explored in "Silent Spring" at 50; many people have asserted that some of the same kinds of problems that Rachel Carson exposed in her masterpiece Silent Spring are still present with us today -- including persistent denials that humans have caused environmental problems (climate change, destruction of the Mississippi Delta by oil exploration, dangers regarding fracking, etc.), attacks on scientific evidence that oppose corporate interests, and so on. WTFrack 2013 contributions will appear in online media galleries, and contributions will also be part of performance events that will happen later this year. Click here to be redirected to the WTFrack 2013 media gallery. Please send us an email, with "WTFrack 2013" in the subject line, to find out more. |