Sunday, April 28th (3-5 p.m.) Compound Yellow 244 Lake St. Oak Park, IL 60302 free and open to the public, all ages You are invited to come to “Radical Feminist Pedagogies” presented by artist, educator and critic Janina Ciezadlo. Janina discusses the concept of an oral final that she designed for a class entitled Women in Art Literature and Music, which bypasses reproducing a capitalistic exchange of knowledge for a new model of group formation. Then we look at a set of prompts for interrogating images from a Cultural Studies class entitled Imaginary and Practical Bodies, which Janina co-taught with an expert on women’s health. Janina Ciezadlo has taught in a variety of places and at many levels during the 35+ years that she has been a teacher and a professor -- from Navajo and Hopi reservations to the Graduate school of Art and Design at the University of Illinois, and many places in between. | above: Homage to Marcel Duchamp by Susan Hiller "Radical Feminist Pedagogies" is the inaugural program in the Radical Pedagogies series co-presented by Borderbend and Compound Yellow. This series happens on the fourth Sunday of the month at Compound Yellow. |